The Better Kids Institute accepts submissions from any interested party who believes they have something to share that would be helpful to parents in bringing up better kids.

Submissions can take two forms:

* Blog entries to be posted on this website’s Better Kids Blog

* Resources available via an external link to be placed on our Resources Page

We are interested in information on topics such as: confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline, health, fitness, nutrition, obesity, parenting, life lessons, motivation, misbehavior, discipline, fun activities, bullying, social skills, ADHD, and safety.

Once we receive your submission we’ll review it and, if it meets our criteria, it will be published on this site — either as a Blog entry or as a link on our Resources page — along with the information you would like us to share about yourself (e.g., name, business, website URL, etc.).

For a Blog entry, you can make submissions in video, audio, or written formats using the options below.

We ask for your email and phone so we can get in touch with you — but this information will not be posted on the website unless you specifically request that we do so.

Thanks for sharing!