09 April

Bullying, Martial Arts, Your Child and You: Is It a Good Idea? So many schools like to claim that they have “no bullying” rules, but the fact remains that teachers and other adults cannot be everywhere all the time. It is those times where and when no adult is around that bullies take advantage of […]

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26 February

Bullying is, unfortunately, a situation that many kids feel vulnerable in because they do not know how to handle it. There are many kinds of behavior that kids of any age can experience. There is verbal assault, where unkind words and insults are constantly hurled their way. There is also physical assault that involves the […]

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10 January

When I was a little boy, my uncle took me to the dojo he trained at. I would watch him spar with others and would be amazed at how good he was. Every time I would see him kick or block or punch his opponent, I would start clapping. But, whenever I would do that, […]

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27 December

It has been estimated that over 48 percent of children in grades 4th through 12th have been bullied in the previous month. Bullying is a serious issue and can result in children experience many bad consequences like changes in sleep and eating patterns as well as anxiety, anger, sadness, depression, and a loss of interest […]

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19 December

Learning martial arts is one of the best ways to combat bullying. This is because the discipline that it instills in practitioners helps both prevent potential bullies from engaging in this act and helps others respond to any attempts to bully them in a much healthier and more productive manner than may have been the […]

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21 November

Confidence is such an important thing to possess. It affects our interpersonal relationships. It affects our ability to perform the best work academically and vocationally. It affects our peace of mind by lowering our levels of anxiety and fear. It affects our desire to relentlessly pursue our goals. It affects how we react to obstacles […]

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13 November

Is your child being bullied? Are your complaints falling on deaf ears to teachers, administrators, and other parents? Consider enrolling them in a martial art. Despite what you might have seen in movies, you won’t be throwing them into a violent free-for-all. Martial arts are ancient and respected traditions that emphasize things like discipline, perseverance, […]

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23 October

Martial artists are very confident individuals. If you were to observe a friend or family member that trains in the discipline or even an MMA athlete on television, you will notice this quality is prevalent in them. How is it that self-defense and combat sports training builds confident and self-reliant people? How Children Grow to […]

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17 October

Despite years of effort and millions of dollars spent on safety campaigns, bullies are still a problem for children. There are some people who seem to target others, and merely exposing them to the right literature or threatening minor consequences isn’t enough to stop them from undertaking those actions. It’s no surprise, then, that so […]

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09 October

The human brain has evolved over many millennia to keep us out of trouble. The scatterbrain nature of our thoughts is a way of keeping us on our tip-toes for preserving our well-being in any situation that may arise. However, it is very difficult to grow as a person and achieve any goals in life […]

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26 September

School should be a safe haven for our children, but more often than not, it is becoming a place where anxiety and fear run rampant as students are subjected to bullying and emotional abuse by others. Bullies use frightening physical and mental tactics to exert their power over those they consider less valuable than themselves, […]

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20 June

Self-discipline isn’t something that comes naturally to most children. No matter how hard you might try as a parent, you’ll find that actually teaching a child this skill requires a great deal of outside intervention. Martial arts have long been considered an excellent tool for helping children learn the confidence and discipline necessary for becoming […]

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